Publication: Design of Testing Environment for Line-Follower Robot with Obstacles

Imam Firdaus · · 1 minute read

Design of Testing Environment for Line-Follower Robot with Obstacles


Abstract: To solve shortest path problem using Q-Learning, one testing method is needed. The testing method is showing Q-Learning result using robot and arena with obstacles. This article will explain obstacles and challenges related to the robot kinematics and arena design to fulfill those needs. To be specific, the robot is needed to move in particular manner in testing ground so the test can be conducted properly and the result can be visualized. As the proposed solution, the movement of the robot will use DC motor as the actuator and be complemented by the reading of infrared sensor and compass sensor as reference for the control method. The real condition of the arena and robot shape may impede the robot movement and cause uncertainty. In that condition, further design is needed so the robot movement in the testing area for the shortest path case can run properly.

I. Syafalni, M. I. Firdaus, C. Yugansyah, N. Sutisna, Y. W. Hadi and T. Adiono, “Design of Testing Environment for Line-Follower Robot with Obstacles,” 2022 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices (ISESD), Bandung, Indonesia, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ISESD56103.2022.9980709.